港島及九龍地域小學《網上報名系統》 “Online Entry System” for HK Island and Kowloon Region Primary Schools
報名系統之登入名稱與密碼已於8月19日郵寄予各會員學校,請於 9月9日或以前 完成會員登記手續。為保障安全,敬請於首次登入後立即更改密碼。
The Login ID and Password have been sent to all member schools by post on 9 August. Please kindly log in to the system on or before 8 September to complete the membership registration. For security reasons, you are requested to change your password at your first login.
港九地域分區校際比賽 Area Committee Inter-Schools Competition
項目 |
區分會 Area Committee |
報名表截止日期 Deadline of Entry Form |
運動員名單截止日期 Deadline of List of Participant |
羽毛球 Badminton |
九龍西 KW 九龍北 KN |
Closed | 10-04-2025 (Thur) |
九龍東 KE 九龍南 KS |
Closed | Closed | |
港島東 HKE 港島西 HKW |
Closed | Closed |
全港校際比賽 / 精英賽 All Hong Kong Inter-Schools Competition / Jing Ying Tournament
項目 |
賽事 Competition |
報名表截止日期 Deadline of Entry Form |
運動員名單截止日期 Deadline of List of Participant |
忘記密碼 Forgot Password
學校如需重設網上報名系統之帳戶密碼,請填妥「帳戶重設密碼申請」表格後傳真至2761 9808。
Please complete the form of "Request on Password Reset for Online Entry System" and fax to 2761 9808.
The new password will be sent to the email address provided within 2 working days.
查詢 For Enquiry
請聯絡秘書處 Please contact the Secretariat at
2711 9182 / hikpsonline@hkssf.org.hk