新界地域小學「網上報名系統」 New Territories Primary Schools [Online Entry System]
請於 9月5日前 登入系統,填覆及更新學校資料。謹記:必須完成登記手續,方可參加本年度各項體育比賽。
Please kindly log in to the system on or before 5 September to complete the membership registration. Member schools must complete the registration form in order to enroll for this year competitions.
新界地域分區校際比賽 New Territories Area Committee Inter-Schools Competition
全港校際比賽 / 精英賽 All Hong Kong Inter-School Competition / Jing Ying Tournament
賽事 Competition |
項目 Event |
報名表截止日期 Deadline of Entry Form |
運動員名單截止日期 Deadline of List of Participant |
全港賽 All HK |
網球 Tennis |
Closed | |
全港賽 All HK | 五人手球 5-a-side Handball |
16-1-2025 (Thur) | 6-2-2025 (Thur) |
忘記密碼 Forgot Password
如忘記密碼,請填妥「網上報名系統 - 新密碼申請表格」後傳真至2761 4821。
Should you request a new password, please complete the "Request Form for a New Password to Online Entry System" and return to us by fax 2761 4821.
The new password will send to your provided email within 2 working days.
網上報名系統 - 使用說明 Online Entry System - User Guide
查詢 For Enquiry
電話 Tel:27112823
電郵 Email:ntpadmin@hkssf.org.hk
聯絡人 Contact Person:沈小姐 Ms. Sum